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Subject: Polaris patch backups

From: "teknobeam1" <teknobeam1@...>
Date: 2007-12-01

Concerning the Polaris tape memory issues, try loading with different
states of the "lower function" cassette #4 on and off). I recently
saved my Polaris patches using a home stereo deck but I had to
completely over load the analog input into what looked like clipping
on the meters. that was the only way I could make it fly. I verified
perfectly on playback (go figure).

To me the best solution would be to do a data dump into a midi editor.
I actually have an old Omni Banker ST edtior that has a Fender Polaris
section and I still have my old Atari 1040ST. But how do you send the
patch information over system exclusive? Does anyone know? The tape
backup thing is really iffy.